Happy Birthday, Risma !

I can't believe I'm 39 years old today, which means that I'm approaching 40, I can't believe it and refuse to be old. There is nothing special about this age increase and I deliberately don't post on whatsapp status or other social media, it's all done so that no one knows my birthday except my husband and closest family. In my opinion, what's the point of using the event to post everything on social media about our birthday, so that later other people will know how old we are now.

Oh, yes, on my birthday this time I got 2 special gifts for my beloved husband's nephew, namely a party bag and shoes, thank God, I was given a birthday present even though I was not young anymore, aka really mature guys. I think the one who gave the gift to his beloved husband bought it through his nephew's market place account, uh, I don't know my 2 nephews who gave gifts to me, so my husband still owes me a birthday present. wow, just kidding. If he says he doesn't give a gift, the affection doesn't change for his beloved partner, the most important thing is that our marriage relationship is always harmonious and always happy.

Birthdays are not actually increasing age but the age in the world is decreasing so we don't know when our contract ends in this temporary world, wanting to turn 40 years old, of course, we have to improve ourselves even more, especially about worship, which is sometimes still not istiqomah with the sunnah and sometimes ambition with worldly brilliance to the point of forgetting to pray which in fact is obligatory to carry out so that I can whip myself so that in the future I can do better in carrying out Allah's commands. 

My hope on this year's birthday, hopefully I can become a better person and also be useful for those around me, and always be bestowed with infinite blessings or graces from Allah SWT, what has been my dream can be immediately granted by Allah SWT. Aamiin YRA🤲♥️ Happy Birthday, Risma! 

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